Ab ovo

Clown show

Is it our mission to accept ourselves as we are? Acknowledge when to stand up for ourselves, and when to give way to others? Or are we able to look at the world through a different lens, and push ourselves out of the prison of habit? Do we fix ourselves to certain habbits only because of comfort or fear, or we are that person indeed? To what extent do we know our own personality at all? Where is the harmonious balance between accepting ourselves and being open to change?

Brochure, technical rider

Ab Ovo brochure

Ab Ovo techical rider

Four clown characters – one actor. A musician. And the audience.

That’s all we need, so with some humor and poetry we can look at how differently we relate to things in the world – to love, work, each other, ourselves or just a rocking chair. All this because of our attitude to life and behavior patterns.

Ab Ovo is a clown-mime show with live music, a story of the four classic temperament personality types. Using the archetypal attitudes of sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic, 4 clown characters appear before us. With humour and poetry, but without words, they provoke the question: how are our entrenched patterns of behaviour tied to our lives?

Interactive, family show with live music.

Festival appearances

Bondoro Street Theater Festival 2022 (Kapolcs, Hungary), TE! Fest 2022 (Budapest, Hungary)


Creator, performer: Mátyás Marofka 
Music: Marcell Pető

Set and Costume designer: Kata Zubor
Production management: Brigitta Kovács, Gitta Nyolczas
Artistic consultant: Leandre Ribera
Professional supporterts: Máté Czakó, Júlia Gyulai, Nóra Juhász, Sári O. Horváth



Photographer: Aliz Győri

Extended photo gallery

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