International Theatre Workshop Forum

The International Theatre Workshop Forum is a place to meet, to learn, and to inspire.

Its aim is to create a place for professional development and exchange in the field of performing arts. For this 2-week program in Budapest, we invite teachers and practitioners of the performing arts sector, and offer international workshops and rare learning opportunities to professional and amateur theatre people alike.

By discussions, performances, sharings, and accompanying events, the Forum is also a place to open up knowledge, enthusiasm, and professionalism to anybody interested in the programs.

The International Theatre Workshop Forum incorporates:

  • workshops from the world’s leading experts in acting methods and actor training approaches;
  • discussions related to the workshops and the topic of ongoing theatre training;
  • and theatre performances selected for this unique experience.

The last International Theatre Workshop Forum was held between 21-29 October, 2023, in Budapest.

More info:

The next International Theatre Workshop Forum will be held in the autumn of 2025.

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